The Essential Guide to Gelatin in Pastry

The Essential Guide to Gelatin in Pastry

 Gelatin is part of a pastry chef’s life as much as sugar, chocolate or vanilla are, especially when you’re making entremets or creams that require a stabilizer. Gelatin is used in many confectionary products, from the very simple marshmallows to jelly bears, gum paste, mousse, cremeux or stabilized whipped cream. It can also be found in many other products, as a food…

Noisette Entremet

Noisette Entremet

I’ve gone through many phases of preferences when it comes to desserts over the past few years, but entremets have always remained at the top of my list! I love the way they are constructed, the internal layering, the techniques used, and especially the final result when cut into an elegant cake just to reveal…

Red Berry Chocolate Entremet

Red Berry Chocolate Entremet

Entremets are one of the desserts that I hold most dear to my heart for various reasons, but the main one is the fact that I’ve started baking due to an entremet more than 14 years ago. It was one entremet recipe that pushed me to challenge myself, it was that long recipe that made…