Medovik – Russian Honey Cake

Medovik – Russian Honey Cake

Medovik Honey Cake Recipe: A Sweet Russian Delight Medovik Cake, also known as Russian honey cake, is a beloved dessert characterized by its multiple thin layers and rich, honey-infused flavor. Originating in Russia, this cake has a history dating back to the 19th century. Each layer is made from a dough that incorporates plenty of…

Lemon Ginger Tart

Lemon Ginger Tart

A lot of the times I bake according to what I feel like eating. And well, I was thinking of a lemon tart for quite some time now. I yearned not only for a different flavor, but also for the technique of making a tart from scratch. And so, behold the wonder – this lemon…

Almond Orange Cantuccini

Almond Orange Cantuccini

There’s no secret that I love biscuits and cookies. I find them to be perfect as day-to-day desserts. And I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to try new recipes. My first encounter with these cantuccini happened a few years ago and I wasn’t impressed with the result, but today I thought they were worth…

Citrus Loaf Cake

Citrus Loaf Cake

It is true that desserts are not always supposed to be healthy, but they are always a moment of treating yourself with something delicious. And that is why I always treat my desserts with respect, meaning the best ingredients from those available to me. Olive oil is something I love using in my cooking, so…